Hello, my name is Piper Stultz and I am the owner and trainer for Two Dogs Diverged. I am originally from Texas however I spent most of my life moving around due to my dads military career. I have always had a love for animals and throughout my childhood pets were the one true constant in our house. My first few dogs were Rottweilers and after that we had an array of different dogs and animals. I've wanted to work with animals since I was a kid however I wasn't sure where that desire was going to lead me. Still uncertain with what I wanted to do in High School I joined the Navy wanting to be a K9 Handler but the Navy had other ideas. I was medically separated just under 2 years in. It took me almost a year to get back on my own two feet and I owe a part of that to my 9 year old terrier mix Brindle. She was given to me by my grandmother as a puppy and little did I know she would kick open a door of possibilities. Brindle would become my first Service Dog and kick off my journey into dog training. Over the past 9 years I have been building my skillset and knowledge by volunteering, fostering, training, and rehabilitating dogs. Two Dogs Diverged I opened to specifically help reactive and behavior dogs and their owners. As a disabled veteran I understand all to well what its like to live in a constant state of frustration and feeling like you aren't being heard to the point you just explode. Two Dogs Diverged is built on the concept of not “fixing dogs” but bringing two sides of the same dog together. Reactivity stems from an emotional root and the behavior is a symptom. At Two Dogs we focus on relationship, communication, and the needs of not only the owner but their canine companions. Your dog is trying to communicate in the only way they know how by being a dog.​
Meet My Dogs
Captain Jack is my Italian Street Dog my husband and I rescued over 6 years ago. He's a Chow Chow mix and we believe he's roughly 13 years old. Brindle ( top right) Is my 9.5 year old Yorkie, Maltese, and Westie mix. She's my retired Service Dog. Chimera (Ky-Meer-Uh) is my Rottweiler who is the youngest of my group she just turned 3 in February. She's my current Service Dog and the dog who helps me during training sessions.